More photos
Full set of photos from Jirka Soucek you will find in section photos.
Our competition is over. Feedback from Czech competitors is quite positive, and we hope, that foreign racers were also satisfied. Our organizing team done it's best to make you happy. Check your results and look at some nice photos. When we will organize next competition in (maybe far) future, you are welcome again.
As a first May gift we have start lists and instructions for you. Changes are possible only on presentation from now on. Tomorrow we move co competition site to prepare everything for you. We hope you'll like it.
Hello competitors.
Entries to our competiton are closed, now you can entry only via email for free places on start lists.
There are 327 competitors on Saturday and 334 competitors on Sunday. You can check your entries here.
If you have any corrections, email us as soon as possible to our information email ( We save some time on presentation then.
Dear orienteering bikers,
I am glad to invite you to Labska Klika II, first weekend of Czech MTBO Cup 2014.
Our races will not have too much climb, nor too much speedy flat terrain, just enough
of all this as a warming up for all MTBO season. First bulletin is out, and our team
is working on courses now. If you like, you can look at some photos from competition area.
We hope you will like our beatiful terrain and challenging courses.